Collection: Natasha Norman

Natasha completed her Honours (2005) and Masters (2011) degree in Fine Art at the University of Cape Town. She currently works as a part-time lecturer, arts writer and practicing artist. Throughout her art training and career she has consistently been inspired by the medium and technical challenges of print. She trained in traditional Western print methods at the University of Cape Town and subsequently attended residencies in Japan to study the Japanese relief print method, Mokuhanga.

Natasha’s mastery of printmaking enables her to work across various print techniques. Her work is deeply inspired by her experiences of the natural world. Her practice is about experiencing time and place. In her optically shifting colour layers and planes of marks and tone is an elementary, sensory memory.

In recent works, Natasha has taken much inspiration from the Japanese cultural aesthetic wabi sabi. Her study of this term that defies translation has fostered an appreciation for the beauty in transient natural moments and a sense of spiritual well-being centred on imperfection and simplicity. The theme of her work tends toward expressing the momentary and experiential in a pared-down language of mark and form that seeks to evoke a resonant response in the viewer rather than portray a particular event.

Natasha has lectured at various institutions and universities in South Africa and published as an independent writer. For a full list of exhibitions and project involvement please see her artist's CV.